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               November 20, 2013

A quorum being present, Chairperson Margaret Byrnes called
the regular meeting of the Patriotic Commission to order at
7:15 p.m. in the 2nd floor conference room of the Town Hall,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Margaret Byrnes, Paul Barry, Bernard Corona,
Vincent Parys, Susan Tukey, Gregory Sims, Edward Dettore, Melodie Wilson, Joan Barbara Ross.
Excused: Eugene Pushefski Sr., Chuck Clark   

Absent: Pat Begley

Also present: Robin E. Parys, Clerk,    

Opportunity for Citizens to speak: None.        

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Vincent Parys made a motion to approve the minutes of October 16, 2013 as is, seconded by Commissioner Edward Dettore.

MOTION: Approved

CORRESPONDENCE:  Commissioner Susan Tukey received an e-mail from Kristin Ferris Group (Veterans Day Parade Committee) informing her that even though the East Hartford contingent was in the last division they will be rotated to the first division next year.
A lengthy discussion followed about the placement of the Veterans groups in the Veterans Day parade, the main concern the aging veterans being required to stand for hours before stepping off.
Several suggestions were made: contacting the news media, getting our local and state representatives involved. Commissioner Gregory Sims has been in touch with State Representative Brandon McGee, and Hartford City Councilman Shawn Wooten in regard to this matter. He would like to invite them to sit in on our January 2014 meeting. A suggestion was made to invite Congressman John Larson, State Reps. Tim Larson, Henry Genga, and Gary LeBeau. Chairperson Margaret Byrnes
will be in touch with our local reps and will extend an invitation to our Jan.15th. 2014 meeting.

BILLS:  None

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Commission Budget is now $11,505.05 Amounts designated as follows: Clerk- $765.00, awards- $125.00, special events- $6400.00, flags-$4300.00

UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS : Commissioner Vincent Parys stated that he was informed by the foreman responsible for the maintenance of the cemetery  that the group of volunteers fro the Bank of America did NOT use any chemicals in their undertaking, this was confirmed by Chairperson Byrnes contacts.          .  


NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Paul Barry made a motion that was seconded by Commissioner Ed Dettore to pay the clerk.
Chairperson Margaret Byrnes finalized the details for the distribution of the containers used to collect food items for Holiday Fest 2013 this will be the last year of the Patriotic Commission involvement in the Holiday Fest.
A motion to cancel the December 18th. meeting was made by Commissioner Bernie Corona and seconded by Commissioner Vincent Parys.
Commissioners Paul Barry, Bernie Corona and Edward Dettore expressed interest in being reappointed to another term on the Commission, a notice of intent will be sent to the Mayors office.

MOTIONS: Approved  

ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Gregory Sims made a motion that was seconded by Commissioner Paul Barry to adjourn at 8:20 P.M.      
MOTION: Approved

Respectfully submitted

Robin E. Parys, Clerk

Cc:  Town Clerk (original)
    Office of the Mayor